From the series Lumberton,’ this piece portrays Kyle MacLachlan, a prominent figure in David Lynch’s filmography, as seen in the 1986 mystery thriller ‘Blue Velvet.’ This piece is imagined from...
From the series Lumberton,’ this piece portrays Kyle MacLachlan, a prominent figure in David Lynch’s filmography, as seen in the 1986 mystery thriller ‘Blue Velvet.’ This piece is imagined from a recognizable scene in ‘Blue Velvet,’ where MacLachlan’s character Jeffrey Beaumont finds a severed human ear in the grass, and stores it in a paper lunch bag to take it to the police. It is a moment where the mundane and the uncanny blend together seamlessly. In this piece, Beaumont is taken out of the context of the film set, and placed in the garden of the luxurious and picturesque rose-colored Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild on the Côte d’Azur. This creates another layer of contrast and juxtaposition; the setting is a space with a museum-like quality, made to be viewed and visually enjoyed, whilst the subject of the piece is hiding behind the garden plant, away from the direct attention of the viewer. The disharmony between the setting and the subject is fascinating and invites the one to look further in.