This painting by Wolfgang Dieter Bauer is of ‘The Man from Another Place,’ also known as ‘The Arm,’ a recurring figure seen in David Lynch’s psychological thriller series ‘Twin Peaks.’...
This painting by Wolfgang Dieter Bauer is of ‘The Man from Another Place,’ also known as ‘The Arm,’ a recurring figure seen in David Lynch’s psychological thriller series ‘Twin Peaks.’ The interior of the setting in this piece mirrors the ‘Red Room,’ with its red curtains and brown and yellow chevron patterned carpet, also seen in ‘Twin Peaks.’ The exterior of the setting is a garden with a large, dark hedge maze, as seen in Tom Tykwer’s film adaptation of ‘Perfume.’ Both the ‘Red Room’ and the hedge maze are spaces of fear, tension, and illusion; they block or distract one’s view of the area beyond their immediate setting. In this way, the man in the painting seems to be looking from within a metaphorical maze, outwards onto a literal maze. Both these places are significant in that they feel like non-places, they show no signs of life and are characterised by mesmerising and sometimes confusing patterns, limiting one’s capacity to see further than where they are.